From deep tech to impact

We develop deep tech spin-outs from SDU in collaboration with researchers, investors and industry. 
Our spin-outs have created more than 1,500 high-tech jobs and attracted more than DKK 3 billion in investments.

Our portfolio

We engage as partners in spin-outs, but we also have other ongoing projects in the portfolio.



Make a different with us

Our portfolio companies often work to develop technologies and products based on patented research results. They aim to address complex market needs where risks and rewards can be significant.


We work closely with Danish and foreign investors from pre-seed to series A. We work with business angels, venture funds and industrial investors. What they have in common is an interest in making a difference and developing companies that create new solutions for future healthcare, industries and consumers. 


We have helped more than 50 projects, from research to products. From licensing patents to global companies to developing spin-outs with over 1,500 employees. We know that your commitment as a researcher is central, and we find solutions that you, universities and investors can rally around. We see the path from the laboratory to the market, can put the right team in place, and help conclude the right agreements along the way.


Our spin-outs collaborate with industrial companies at home and abroad to develop new solutions for several industries. Universities and external funding sources are often involved in the collaboration, which we confidently navigate towards valuable results. 


Many of our spin-outs need commercial skills. Our spin-out team often consists of a mix of researchers, technicians and commercial-minded entrepreneurs. Feel free to contact SDU RIO and hear more about their strong Entrepreneurs in Residence program.

The door is always open!

We work with entrepreneur’s, established cimpanies and investors.
Feel free to contact us. We invite you to cooperate with us!